This service requires a database of mailing addresses. Microsoft Excel is the preferred file format. However, we can also use delimited text, fixed length text, Microsoft Access, as well as Lotus 1-2-3, Paradox and .DBF files.
We then take your addresses, verify them for accuracy of the postal addressing standards. The addresses are prepared for first class pre-sort or bulk mailing, depending on your preference. We then print the addresses directly onto the mail itself and include a U.S. postal approved bar-code to ensure greater accuracy for speed of delivery.
Upon request, we can provide a database of addresses that did not verify correctly with the reasons why, so that you may correct your own database to ensure better accuracy on future mailings.
This service is provided for an initial set-up fee of $17.50 with $7.50 per thousand pieces processed. If your mail piece does not have the pre-paid postage indicia we can also print this on your mail piece when we print the addresses. The cost for printing the indicia is an additional $4.00 per thousand.